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About Us

Ski Resort

Many years before WH Personal Finance was born I was just a young welder with a family history of money issues, a credit score under 550 and medical debt in collections. I was officially beginning my personal finance schooling in the school of hard knocks. 

I worked on fixing my credit for about 4 years, while earning a business degree from CSU Monterey Bay, working to learn the credit scoring systems, credit factors, collections agency negotiations and reporting requirements to get my score back up well over 800. A success in my endeavor to a financially stable life 


Again, I was set back in finances when I was unexpectedly part of a large layoff in 2023 but this time my family was prepared. It was a difficult adjustment that could have been even more painful if I hadn't taken the right financial steps in the 10+ years leading up to the layoff. I used the same WH Personal Finance tools and techniques to ensure our family was prepared for an emergency. We had a fully funded emergency savings fund, brokerage accounts, our values clearly defined, knowledge of where we could cut back on our budget, and comfort of knowing we can cut back and still be comfortable living well below our means. 

Today I am a first-generation college graduate, have lived experience and a deep interest in personal finance, and a career in data analytics, but most of all the need to follow my calling to help.

My wife Caitlyn is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and lifelong money saver. She's not a numbers person, but a compassionate, logical, big-picture problem-solver. She is the picture of love and support and the kick-in-the-ass inspiration to get our business off the ground.

Meet My Family

Josh - The Personal Finance Friend, Loving Dad/Husband, welder, builder, DIYer, snowboarder and collector of hobbies

Caitlyn - The Ultra-Compassionate but Spicy Doer and Go-getter who has a background in human behavior

Wyatt - Bold, Colorful, Kind, Adventurous inspiration #1

Hudson - Warm, Curious, Cuddly, and Giggly inspiration #2.


Together Wyatt and Hudson are the WH in our company name.

WH Personal Finance is the whole Williams family as a team
Ocean Water

WH Personal Finance is born out of the need of so many to simplify and de-stress their money issues. It is not about a budget or choking the fun and memories out of life. Its about choosing to handle your money rather than struggling because of it.

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